Inclement Weather Policy

SEYCo Inclement Weather Policy

Decisions for school closings are based on South Eastern School District ( as follows:

* South Eastern opening is delayed one (1) hour – SEYCo schedule is unchanged

* South Eastern opening is delayed two (2) hours – SEYCo Schedule is modified: All classes (2, 3 and 4 year olds) will meet from 10:00a.m- 12 noon.

* South Eastern is closed – SEYCo is closed.

* South Eastern dismisses early due to weather – SEYCo changes will be made through a phone chain.

It is imperative that members watch for SEYCo schedule changes in the event of inclement weather.  There will be no tuition reimbursement for such closures.  Make-up days will be scheduled in the event an excessive amount of days are missed due to inclement weather days.  For all other instances that may unexpectedly change the regular class meeting times at SEYCo you will be contacted by the SEYCo staff. School calendars detailing the year’s holidays and special dates have been made available on our website and available at Back To School Night.